I had an amazing birthday.
My great friend, Ray Rizo, surprised me by stopping by with a pizza for lunch. We shared it over a Netflix movie (The Kingdom). Wow! The Kingdom is a powerful story of our time, grabs you with the intensity of its action, draws you in with the humanity of its characters, and will haunt you with the irony of its ending. Ray and I agreed that the movie gave us a lot to consider. In the end, the message of Jesus is as valid (and desperately needed) today as it was when he first taught it to his disciples over 2,000 years ago: “Love one another.” See the movie, and see if you don’t agree.
In the late afternoon, I had an appointment with my good friend Dr. Jason Baietto. Jason is a brother in Christ, and a Wellness Chiropractor helping people balance their bodies through gentle chiropractic and balance their lives through fitness, nutrition, and stress management. I always feel some improvement when I visit Jason, but today was truly special. As Jason was adjusting my neck and spine, he held my neck in his hands and prayed over me. The peace and the comfort that flowed from the warmth of his heart, through his hands, and into my body was overwhelming!
I also got a bunch of snail-mail cards that actually arrived on my birthday. One was from my daughter, Jennifer, and my grandson, Jeffrey. Later, while on Skype with them, I held the card up to the camera and asked who drew the pictures on the card. Jeffrey brightened right up and proclaimed: “I drew that, Pop-pop!” Nothing will melt your heart faster than a grandchild, who is not quite 3, sing “Happy Birthday” to you.
My youngest daughter Wendy helped Patti put on a big spaghetti dinner (with meatballs). Patti and I have been married for almost 40 years (June 2011), so put in a good word for her when the Sainthood nominating committee comes around. She must be a saint... putting up with me for this long! There was cake (with candles), and a few surprise presents. We topped off the evening by teaching my son-in-law, Adam, how to play Hearts; the newbie beat all us old pros! Isn’t that typical?!?
God’s blessings continue to be the best gifts of all... I just need to open my eyes, and I am surrounded by riches and joy. Thank you, God!
Your brother in Christ,
Well Happy Birthday my friend! Sorry I do not post more but I love the blog and am honored to be partnering in ministry with you. Thanks. See you Sunday