Last Sunday, I was talking to Jim Harter about a study group he and I were a part of… I had been trying to get the group to continue on together, even after we had completed the small group sessions. It just didn’t seem to be happening, and Jim was finally admitting to me that it wasn’t going to work out for him, either. I must admit, I had been pushing a bit to continue meeting with Jim; he’s an awesome study partner, has a strong faith, deep insights, and a quiet strength that allowed us to have lively study sessions, but also kept us on track and focused.
If you attend Messiah Lutheran Church here in Yorba Linda, you have probably seen Jim Harter. You see, Jim is our church’s Executive Director. Jim is the guy that manages the day-to-day operations of our campus. Every time I think I have a handle on all of what Jim does, I see him involved in something new. The same qualities of strong faith, deep insights, and quiet strength that he brings to a Bible study session, serve him well… as he serves our fellowship well.
Jim always has a smile, a friendly greeting, and a kind word for everyone. As he moves across our campus he usually has a purpose, but he always has time for conversation and laughter. He seems to effortlessly juggle a dozen different things, while dealing with the pastors, council, committees, ministries, and individuals. If there is an unlocked door, if there’s a water leak, if the copier stops working, or even if somebody pours soap in the fountain… Jim is the guy who is called; who responds. While thinking about how much time Jim spends on our campus, AND how much he serves this congregation, I realized that I don’t thank him near enough… let alone edify him as the Bible instructs us to lift up and edify each other.
Then I had another thought; a flash of insight, if you will. For every minute that Jim spends on our campus, he spends it AWAY from his family!
Later that same Sunday morning, I caught up with Jim’s wife Linda in the parking lot (where else; LOL). I told here how much I appreciated all that Jim did for the church, and what an awesome job he was doing. Then I told her that I realized that to perform at that level, Jim’s efforts for the church surely must impact their family life. I thanked her for being so supportive of the church by being so supportive of Jim. I let her know that I understood that family meals, family time, and family events had all taken a backseat sometimes, as Jim responded to one emergency or another. I told her I wanted to thank her and let her know that her efforts, her sacrifice, and her family’s patience helped make Jim so effective and made this place a wonderful fellowship. I told her I wanted her to know how much I appreciated HER.
Jim and Linda Harter are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to great servants here at Messiah. From pastors to child care… if I started, I’d be writing another 5,000 words. It’s Thanksgiving, so you can be thankful that I am not expanding on the subject. What I will do is challenge you:
Consider all the people who serve you at church, whether they are at Messiah or at some other church where you might worship. Give thanks for them this week. Let them know how important they are in the life of the church. Find their spouse or their family, and thank them, as well. Let them know that they are appreciated, too.
I pray you all enjoy family, friends, and fellowship as you give thanks to God for all the things AND all the people in your life.
Your brother in Christ,
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