The topic this week for the Live Like You Were Dying series was: Speak Sweeter. Pastor Bob asked us to think back over our lives. “Who”, he asked, “affirmed or encouraged you in such a way that it still has an impact on you to this day?”
You ever notice how a question posed during a sermon or a lesson sometimes has very little impact on our conscious thoughts at that moment, but later… God puts out the equivalent of big neon signs, flashing: “Here’s the answer!”
On Sunday afternoon, I met up with some special friends from high-school. We were all part of a school organization called “The German Club”. Our teacher, Margit Munroe, formed her top German class into what she called the German Club (that’s Margit in the front row, on the right). We didn’t really have much in common. I can’t recall if I even had any of the people in German class in any other class with me. What we did have was a teacher that spoke and taught in an encouraging, uplifting, and positive manner. She challenged us, and we… well, we certainly challenged her! For 3 years of high-school, we thought of ourselves as a club, and not so much as a class learning a foreign language.
On Sunday afternoon, and then well into the evening, Margit and her husband Don had the German Club gather at their house overlooking Laguna Beach. We all had a fantastic time! I'm positive that there are no finer hosts than Margit and Don. In addition, the two couples that worked tirelessly to set up, serve, and then clean everything up were charming, gracious, and a lot of fun.
Our little German Club is part of something very unique in the entire world. True, we don't come together all that often, but when we do, it's like no time has passed. We slip back into the comfortable rhythms we imprinted during 3 years of growing up together, becoming young adults together and fitting together in a most comfortable manner. While not discounting the leadership of several of our members, Margit Munroe... our teacher... our mentor... our encourager... has been the key ingredient in solidifying the bonds that hold us together still today; 40 years later.
Thank you, Margit. You continue to teach me still today.
Pastor Bob asked the question already. I’ll ask it again: “Who affirmed or encouraged you in such a way that it still has an impact on you to this day?” Go ahead, post your reply. Let’s hear from YOU this week.
Your brother in Christ,
I have learned so much about me and my relationship with God by following this blog and considering it each week. I wish there were more voices for a conversations.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, regarding encouragement. My beloved husband Diehl would not allow me to disparage myself, and tell me, "Don't talk that way about my pretty lady!" He worked to find me something I could do and enjoy, which is how I became a photographer. He encouraged me to take classes,to go ahead and sing, to try new things, to know that he loved me. My mother-in-law would present recipes and suggestion in ways I could understand (I hadn't been taught to cook) so that I could make some things well, rather than griping because her son married a lousy cook. My current choir director is taking the time to give me weekly voice lessons, to strengthen my voice and endurance, to be able to sing more and better, to be able to lead in God's praises more effectively, rather than just always ignoring me and regarding me as a warm body in the choir who isn't as good as some.
All three of these people have encouraged me on the basis of love, rather than self or pride. They have treated me as valuable, as I have learned how valuable I am in the sight of God, made in His own image. The difference in their approach from how I grew up (being regarded as stupid and worthless) not only opened me up to try new things, but opened me up to understand better the love that God has for us. He wants us to be abundantly blessed, he wants us to bless others, as part of His glory.
Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, wow! Oh, wow!!!!!
Your words and thoughts are nothing short of awe inspiring! What a beautiful, caring, and insightful Christian heart you present to the world. What a terrific example of someone ever developing her walk with Christ. When God looks at you, surely He must be pleased with His reflection!
Dave, I just wish I had learned more earlier. And it's not ME but what He teaches me and all those around me in love.