“We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.”
If you are a Star Trek fan, you recognize those words. In the Star Trek universe, there is no greater threat to civilizations than the hive intelligence that assimilates all intelligent life into the Borg collective… and obliterates all resistance. Assimilation means that individuals are surgically altered to connect with and serve the collective. The Borg, in their search for perfection, only assimilate in as much as they reprogram and enhance life forms to fit the need of the collective; what once was a unique intelligence becomes a drone for the hive. As in the picture, the body is enhanced to perform better… often by the addition, or replacement, of machine parts to create cyborg-like creatures… hence the name: Borg.
Who would allow their eye to be replaced with circuitry and lenses? Who would allow their thoughts to be programmed so that they would only serve an alien mind? Who would turn their existence over to such a soulless enemy? Well, when resistance really appears to be futile, most people pretty much just queue up for assimilation.
Ah, but that’s science fiction, right? Can’t really happen to us, right? Too late! You’ve probably already been assimilated… no, not by the Borg, but by something very similar. Broadcasting on all know communication frequencies, the conquering statement is:
“We are the world. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.”
Our assimilation begins almost as soon as we are born. Can you feel the programming that tells you to discriminate against a certain kind of person? Can you see the lenses that only allow you to see yourself as clumsy, stupid, or useless? Many of us grew up with parents that the world had assimilated long ago. So, of course, they began our assimilation process as early as possible. Many find it difficult to remember that there is any other way to see, except through the lenses that have been placed in front of their eyes.
The world uses some pretty powerful weapons to obliterate any resistance, too. Constant pressure through radio, television, movies, books, the internet, and peers forces us to assimilate ideas that initially seem evil to us… cultures of: greed, lust, envy, dishonesty, immorality, abuse, prejudice, fear, jealousy, and ungodliness. Pretty soon something that is “abhorrent to God” is now just “a lifestyle choice.” Eventually, the world hopes to assimilate all of us. The world would have us see no right or wrong… only what’s best for the collective. The world would have us believe that there is no use for God… especially when the world has changed and enhanced, and assimilated us… making us perfect beings in its collective.
Here’s the Good News: Christ came to free us from the world! Christ proclaims:
“I am the light of the world. I bring hope. Prepare to be freed!”
In Christ, we are children of God. We can do all things in Christ, who strengthens us. In Christ, we can throw off the lenses that color our perceptions, and begin to see ourselves as gifted and talented creations of a loving God. We can then see God as perfect, and us, through our salvation at Christ’s expense, as inheritors of God’s kingdom.
So the next time you see some poor soul shuffling along preparing to be assimilated, give them some hope… broadcast on all know communication frequencies:
“Christ is the light of the world. He brings hope. Prepare to be freed!”
Your brother in Christ,
If you are a Star Trek fan, you recognize those words. In the Star Trek universe, there is no greater threat to civilizations than the hive intelligence that assimilates all intelligent life into the Borg collective… and obliterates all resistance. Assimilation means that individuals are surgically altered to connect with and serve the collective. The Borg, in their search for perfection, only assimilate in as much as they reprogram and enhance life forms to fit the need of the collective; what once was a unique intelligence becomes a drone for the hive. As in the picture, the body is enhanced to perform better… often by the addition, or replacement, of machine parts to create cyborg-like creatures… hence the name: Borg.
Who would allow their eye to be replaced with circuitry and lenses? Who would allow their thoughts to be programmed so that they would only serve an alien mind? Who would turn their existence over to such a soulless enemy? Well, when resistance really appears to be futile, most people pretty much just queue up for assimilation.
Ah, but that’s science fiction, right? Can’t really happen to us, right? Too late! You’ve probably already been assimilated… no, not by the Borg, but by something very similar. Broadcasting on all know communication frequencies, the conquering statement is:
“We are the world. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.”
Our assimilation begins almost as soon as we are born. Can you feel the programming that tells you to discriminate against a certain kind of person? Can you see the lenses that only allow you to see yourself as clumsy, stupid, or useless? Many of us grew up with parents that the world had assimilated long ago. So, of course, they began our assimilation process as early as possible. Many find it difficult to remember that there is any other way to see, except through the lenses that have been placed in front of their eyes.
The world uses some pretty powerful weapons to obliterate any resistance, too. Constant pressure through radio, television, movies, books, the internet, and peers forces us to assimilate ideas that initially seem evil to us… cultures of: greed, lust, envy, dishonesty, immorality, abuse, prejudice, fear, jealousy, and ungodliness. Pretty soon something that is “abhorrent to God” is now just “a lifestyle choice.” Eventually, the world hopes to assimilate all of us. The world would have us see no right or wrong… only what’s best for the collective. The world would have us believe that there is no use for God… especially when the world has changed and enhanced, and assimilated us… making us perfect beings in its collective.
Here’s the Good News: Christ came to free us from the world! Christ proclaims:
“I am the light of the world. I bring hope. Prepare to be freed!”
In Christ, we are children of God. We can do all things in Christ, who strengthens us. In Christ, we can throw off the lenses that color our perceptions, and begin to see ourselves as gifted and talented creations of a loving God. We can then see God as perfect, and us, through our salvation at Christ’s expense, as inheritors of God’s kingdom.
So the next time you see some poor soul shuffling along preparing to be assimilated, give them some hope… broadcast on all know communication frequencies:
“Christ is the light of the world. He brings hope. Prepare to be freed!”
Your brother in Christ,
Wow! Only you could figure out a way to post a blog entry about Star Trek and connect it to scripture so eloquently! Kudos!