What can I say about Christmas?
By David Alan Hoag (written December 13th, 2008)
What can I say about Christmas?
That hasn’t already been said?
Yet, why should a wonderful
Magical day
Approach with foreboding and dread?
Perhaps it’s the rat’s nest of tangled-up lights?
To be hung from the rooftop with care?
Is there stress while replacing
A shorted-out bulb,
As I hang thirty feet in the air?
What of the fruitcake from sweet old Aunt Hazel?
Which, this year, she’s selling online.
Does she know that I’m lying?
While choking it down,
When I smile, and claim it’s divine?
With each Christmas card I receive in the mail
I predict with a terrible hunch
That the letter included
Will tell me too much
Of your details of breakfast and lunch.
Oh, Christmas is coming; that terrible strain,
I stress-out and get all light-heady.
And I’ve still got tree trimming,
And cards yet to mail!
How can it be coming already?
That Christmas is hectic? Well what else is new?
But we’ve made it all stressful and wild.
With each new decoration
And hurried event,
We lose sight of the birth of the Child.
What can I say about Christmas?
That isn’t just more window dressing?
Long ago, in Bethlehem,
A babe was born.
At Christmas, thank God for that blessing!
Blessings to you and your family,
as you celebrate God’s love at Christmas time.
My prayer is that the peace, love, and joy
that come from the salvation through Jesus Christ…
be yours at Christmas, and all through the year.
Your brother in Christ,
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