I can certainly be moved by the sight of small American flags fluttering at each of the more than 260,000 gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery, but I have never known anyone closely who has died in the service of our Country. I did, however, know my good friend Diehl Martin very well. He recently died on the front lines of a spiritual war, while under very real physical attack. Diehl had been locked in battle with pancreatic cancer for the last 3 years. To the very end, he held his spiritual ground, and because of his faith and conviction many have been saved. Diehl was one of God’s good and faithful servants, a fervent disciple of Christ, and one of God’s spiritual heroes. Against what had become overwhelming odds, he was losing ground to cancer day by day. Here are some of Diehl’s thoughts on his approaching end:
“Cancer is a hard way to go, but there are a lot of other ways which would be worse. So my body fails me, and quits. Well, that happens to each one of us at some time, and in my case, I found out about it early and have had the time to prepare both myself and those around me for the changes.
All of the paperwork has been taken care of, the finances arranged, and the arrangements made. All of the earthly things are done. However, the earthly part of this passage is not the one which concerns most folks, it is what happens next. For
many people there is a lot of uncertainly, and even fear concerning their
own personal end.
Anyone who knows me knows that I wear my faith upon my sleeve. To know me is to know that I love Jesus. He has sustained me through all of my life, and now He is carrying me through my lowest valley. I have full confidence that He will do exactly what He has promised, because I have seen in my life that all of the time He has provided exactly what was needed, and guided things along. Oh, I might not see it at the time, but when looking back on each good time or hard time, I can see that He has seen me through every time.
So now I am preparing to go off to my final reward. My future is assured, not because of any goodness I might possess, but rather because, in spite of my failings. Jesus paid the price for my sins at the cross, and has forgiven every bit of it. He says that He has separated my sins from me as far as the east is from the west. I go to my reward, not in my own strength, but rather in His strength, because He has done everything which was needful for me.
I know about Heaven only that which I have read in the Bible and the information is not something I understand fully. What I lack in knowledge, though, I make up with absolute confidence that since Jesus has been so good to me thus far, and since I know Him well by now, that I have no worries about anyplace where He is in charge. With Him there and in charge, I know it will be exactly right. I have made my choice, and my choice is to live for Jesus, and to
go live with Him forever.
But enough about my situation - what about you? Cancer is killing my body right now, and I have but a little time left, but your time will come soon enough. Are you ready? Today is the day! Now is the time of salvation. Trust Jesus with your whole life. Give it all over to Him. He is the best friend you could ever have.”
Diehl Martin - August 10, 2007
Diehl lost his 3-year battle with pancreatic cancer on October 27th, 2007. Even as he was being overrun by the cancer, Dielh remained steadfast in his joy in the Lord, AND focused on sharing his joy with a lost and hurting world.
Have you had any spiritual heroes in your life?
Your brother in Christ, David Alan Hoag
Thanks Dave. I took the message and read it in my Sunday School class today (First Baptist Church, Guntersville Alabama). The lesson was about how God is always faithful so this fit very well (it always fits anyway). One of the things I get from this is that who we are continues to affect people years and years later, and we do not always know how our life and witness has been used by God for other people. When we were dating our pastor expressed some surprise because Diehl was the more spiritually focussed one; he said it's usually the ladies... One of his favorite hymns was "For All the Saints" ... especially verses 2 and 3, at least in the version I have.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Diel was one of those individuals who is a beacon of light, showing the rest of us how to live to the very end. I agree with Monica--we really don't know what effect we have on those on around us. If we are willing to put ourselves in God's hands and are willing to do the work He assigns us, we can be confident He will use our lives according to His purpose. It doesn't matter if we know or understand how. Every day I ask myself, "Do I trust Him?" When I answer in the affirmative, my fears flee and peace fills my soul.