Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."
Luke 9:23-27
In considering commitment and discipleship, I have 3 offerings this week: The first is from my dear friend, and partner in ministry, Claire Palmerino, the second is a song, and the last is a challenge.
Where Does the Spirit Lead You?
When I begin my day in prayer, thanking God for the privilege of walking one more day on this earth… and then giving that day back to Him to live and breathe in His service… my days are filled with adventure. Sometimes my adventure is an interesting, fleeting encounter with another brother or sister in Christ; other times my adventure gives me the opportunity to help another, often a stranger. My adventures always leave me in awe because I become more fully aware of God’s presence in my life. When I live and breathe in the Spirit, I am more alive, more aware and more blessed than when I stumble through life spiritually unconsciousness.
My adventures usually begin when I submit to an inner prompting by the Spirit to do or say something outside my comfort zone. Here’s an example: While vacationing in Lake Tahoe, my husband and I found ourselves crossing paths with another couple making the same trek we were making around the lake. At each vista point, I felt the Spirit prompting me to pray for the man as he was in obvious pain when he walked. I told the Spirit I would be glad to pray for him… by myself in the car. The Spirit continued to urge me to approach him and pray with him. After exchanging pleasantries with him and his wife on one stop and offering to take their picture on another, I finally took a deep breath and observed aloud that he looked like he was in deep pain. Barney explained that he had fallen off the roof of his house and crushed both of his heels; he had been in terrible pain ever since. I told him I felt the Lord had been asking me to pray with him… would he mind? Barney, his wife, Mary, and I joined hands there on the Lake Tahoe shore and I prayed. I don’t remember the words God gave me but the message was that He walked with Barney in every pain-filled step, there was purpose in his suffering and that God held him in the palm of His hand. Tears streamed down all of our faces as I asked God to heal him. Of course I have no idea what happened afterward, but I do know that God used me to give Barney a tender message of love and hope. I was filled with awe and reverence.
Most days my adventures are not so remarkable, but the Spirit guides me nonetheless. Sometimes a person comes to mind during my prayer time and I write her a note telling what I prayed. Often I learn later that the note came at just the right time or the words were particularly comforting. Other times the Spirit compels me to face a bitterness or selfishness taking root in me, prompting me to acknowledge it and ask for cleansing. I am always relieved and renewed when I follow Him.
Do I always follow that still, small voice that prompts me to action? Sadly, no; sometimes I even politely ignore the urging, telling myself I’m too busy, have other things to do, or it’s just too weird. I can hardly believe that I have the audacity to just tell the Lord, “No! It’s too hard!”, but I do. Does lightening come crashing down on my head? No. The Spirit quiets within me and I find I can’t hear Him any more. Then my spirit becomes parched and I ache in my regret and sadness. I have missed an opportunity to serve Him. I have revealed my cowardly shallow self. I return to Him in sorrow and He restores me through the grace and mercy of His Son, Jesus. I vow to do better… and sometimes I do.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ… will you follow the Spirit? Ask Him to open your ears and your heart to His Voice. You may not hear words in your head; the Spirit may call you with feelings or intuitions. But when He prompts you to say a kind word to a stranger, take a chance and do it! When He urges you to invite a stranger to join you at your table in the restaurant, try it! Live and breathe in Him! It’s a blessing-filled adventure!
Claire Palmerino
Mary Did You Know
Mary did you know… that pre-school boy will someday be a father?
Mary did you know… that pre-school boy will bring up sons and daughters?
Did you know… that pre-school child is living what he’s heard?
This child that you’ve instructed will someday teach God’s Word.
Mary did you know… that third-grade girl would give hope to the hopeless?
Mary did you know… that problem child will feed and clothe the homeless?
Did you know… the power of all the dreams you’ve given flight?
The joy that you have given… is precious in God’s sight.
Oh, Mary did you know…
The little boy… in Sunday school… will someday be a man
And because of all you taught him, he’ll magnify God’s plan.
Mary did you know… the teachers that you’ve helped to find their calling?
Mary did you know… how many kids that you have kept from falling?
Did you know… that the love you gave to each and every one?
You gave not just to God’s people… but also to God’s Son.
I wrote this music lyric in December of 2007 in loving appreciation and celebration of the many years that Mary Schweder shared with Messiah Lutheran Church in Yorba Linda, California as Director of Children’s Ministry. Mary was a fine example of commitment and discipleship.And finally, the challenge:
There are little differences in people… but those little differences can make a big difference.
One little difference in people isATTITUDE.
The big difference it can make depends on… whether it is POSITIVE or negative.
Another little difference in people isCOMMITMENT.
The big difference it can make depends on… whether it is FULL-TIME or part-time.
The final difference in people isDISCIPLESHIP.
The big difference it can make depends on… whether it is LED BY GOD’S SPIRIT or
led only by your talent.The choice… is always up to YOU!
So... If you are looking for more of God's Spirit in your life, how much of yourself are you willing to commit? Are you willing to at least set your foot on the path toward discipleship? It's an exciting journey! Do you have the courage and the faith to say:"
"Here I am Lord..."
Your brother in Christ,
Dave Hoag
Our pastor recently spoke about faith, and how we all fear, especially in traumatic situations, but with faith go on anyway. I find myself in the unusual position of not being fearful, which surprises me, after the recent death of my husband. It was so easy to just follow after him, and know that we were being led and cared for and used of God. Now, on my own, and surprising to anyone who has known me more than a couple of years, I find myself being more proactive, talking to people when usually I wouldn't, being told it was such an encouragement, and I need to do it more because I put it off too often and it doesn't get done. I guess the living and breathing moment-by-moment is happening, but this is a reminder to *look* for the adventure, to really *experience* God's presence in my life, since he is here all the time, more than just occasionally. Looking to God rather than just to what is happening around me. This blog has been a challenge and a help to me.