night, I had a heated theological argument with a 4-year old.
My daughter, Jennifer, and Henry, her husband, flew in for a 2-day visit this past
weekend. Her 2 boys were crazy excited to be at Grammy and Pop-pop’s, so you
might guess that bedtime was a bit of a challenge. After Grammy is done reading
them stories, it is often left to Pop-Pop (me) to actually get them to sleep.
What worked for 4-year old Jeffrey also works for his brother, Bob, who is
almost a year old… I sing to them. Now, I have been described as being a ‘prison
singer’, which is defined as: “Being behind a few bars, and having no hope of
finding the right key.” My grandsons haven’t developed a critical ear yet, so
they don’t complain. That I make up my own words (because I can’t remember the
actual lyrics) does not seem to faze them in the least. I’m pretty sure it’s
not what I sing, just the fact that I rock them in the big recliner/rocker
while I make melodic noises.
So there I was: Bob trying to fight off sleep on my chest, and Jeffrey
squirming in his bed next to us. I had just finished singing The House of the Rising Sun (one of
their favorite lullabies), when Jeffrey said: “Sing one more song, Pop-pop.
to get little Bob to finally drift off in slumber, I started singing: “Jesus
loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”
To which Jeffrey interjected “NO HE DOESN’T.”
“Sure He does, Jeffrey,” I replied, and then restarted the song: “Jesus loves
me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”
Jeffrey again interrupted me with: “NO HE DOESN’T, POP-POP!”
“Yes, yes He does, Jeffrey,” I replied, perplexed at his insistence. One more
time, I restarted the song: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells
me so…”
Sitting up in bed, Jeffrey instructed his clearly confused grandfather: “Pop-pop, Jesus doesn’t just love YOU, He
loves EVERYONE!”
I was stunned! This time, when I restarted the song, I sang: “Jesus loves us,
this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”
And a miracle occurred: Bob had drifted off to sleep! After putting him in his
crib, I turned to tuck Jeffrey in one final time. Having fulfilled his
commission, he was now sound asleep, too.
I invite you to heed the theological teaching of my grandson… know that Jesus
loves US… and experience the complete peace His love brings into our lives.
Your brother in Christ,