Several of my friends have discovered an online app (application, for the
uninitiated) called: Fortune Teller. It’s a humorous app that ties into
Facebook, and predicts… where you will be in 20 years. I’m pretty sure that all
MY friends are intelligent enough to realize that this online, social media
predictor of their future is no more accurate than, say… a spiritualist, a card
reader, or Magic Eight Ball. Depending on how you respond to the app, it will
predict that you will be:
- A millionaire;
- Locked up;
- Divorced;
- Famous;
- Pregnant… AGAIN?!?
You get the idea. It made me chuckle, and it certainly elicits some interesting
responses in Facebook… as people either agree, or disagree with the prediction.
Hahahaha! Often they offer up their own counter-prediction. But that’s kind of what
these types of apps are designed to do: not actually predict anything, but
generate comments, discussions, and dialog.
Now, I’m not promoting this particular app; quite the contrary! I never
personally used the app, since it takes you to an unsecure site, requires that
you grant it access to your Facebook account, and hence, gains access to all of
your Facebook information. Like many apps of this type, it may be perfectly
innocuous, but I rarely place my computer at risk… at least not knowingly.
But it did get me thinking. Where will I be in the future? I’m old enough that
I can consider the prospect of NOT living forever. What will MY eternity be
like? Well, I have a prediction.
My prediction stems from my inviting Christ into my life, and from allowing
Jesus to strengthen my faith… even in my weakness. My prediction comes from
spending time in God’s Word and with God’s people and hearing the promise that
the creator and sustainer of the universe loves me. KNOWING THAT, my prediction
God willing, I'll be touring the nebula, star systems, black holes, and other
amazing astronomical phenomenon of the universe. I wonder... do you think Sagan,
Einstein, or da Vinci lead tours or workshops? I mean, how much time can you
spend in the mansion… no matter how nice? But who knows? An app?
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” -- 1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version (KJV)
What does your eternity look like? I may not really be able to predict mine,
but I do know… that through Jesus… I will come to the Father. And THAT… will be
Your brother in Christ,
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