Mike and Meg Nguyen are a high-energy couple. Both are quick to laugh, and their smiles seem ever-present… especially when they are engaging the high school youth, or the kids of Cypress Street. Both are doctors that work 80 hours a week. Mike’s a surgeon, and Meg works with infectious diseases. They’ve been married for 4 ½ years, and have only been a part of our fellowship here at Messiah for about 2 years; almost as long as they’ve been helping with the Cypress Street ministry. In fact, Trevor invited them to participate in Cypress Street before they formally became partners in ministry with us here at Messiah.
They let me ride along on a Tuesday evening to experience their involvement in the Cypress Street ministry first-hand.
As we pulled up, the look-out’s shout of “They’re here!” became an overwhelming refrain as children seemed to appear from everywhere. For the next half hour, Mike, Meg, Trevor, and all the high-school youth were in constant motion… at play with the kids of the neighborhood. Some of the play seemed somewhat organized, but mostly, I watched what I could only later describe as a sort of random chaotic joy; with Mike and Meg at the center of most of it. The nightly format was simple enough: designed to engage the kids in play and music, to give them a safe respite from the pressures of their lives, and designed to bring the Word of God into their lives in a meaningful and personal way.
Although Mike admits to it “being Meg’s ministry more than mine”, it belies the passion and enthusiasm he pours out on the kids. Noting the chilly night, Mike mentioned that “Sometimes I don’t feel like going out, but then I do, and I always feel better; glad I came!” When asked why he’s involved in the Cypress Street ministry, he emphasized: “I’m involved with the kids! It’s easy to see how hugs and attention make a difference in kids’ lives. The best moments are seeing the long-term potential to change the course of the lives of children that… seem predestined only for a life of gangs, violence, poverty, and hopelessness.”
Meanwhile, Meg has been a magnet for girls since we got out of the vehicles. She speaks Spanish, and fluidly moves from English to Spanish when the situation calls for it. Meg is at home with these young girls, and they respond to her love and her passion for them like flowers respond to sunlight. Meg confides that “It’s a ministry that fits my passion!” Though there are there are hundreds of moments with the kids that touch her heart, Meg insists that “The best moments are when the kids ‘get it’; when they understand a lesson, when they see… more.” Meg likes that she gets a lot out of prepping the lessons, and she delights in being “someone the girls can talk to… simply by being a friend.”
What I saw… were kids who hunger for acceptance, connection, and love.
What I saw… were Mike and Meg (and the Cypress Street team) bringing a genuine love.
What I saw… was the kids accepting them because their love is genuine.
What I saw… were kids opening up and making real connections with them because they come back week after week, month after month, year after year!
I saw… Mike and Meg bring an infectious level of enthusiasm and excitement to the kids.
I saw… energy and excitement from the kids during the play time.
I saw… joy from the kids during the singing.
I saw… focus from the kids during the Bible study and prayer time.
I saw… a young couple that mentors our youth by example.
I saw… a pair of doctors who are the right prescription for a hurting world.
Week after week, Cypress Street sees Christ… in the hearts of Mike and Meg!
Your brother in Christ,
P.S.: The RISE newsletter is coming on Easter. Don’t miss it!
Frank and Oralle from the previous post, and Mike and Meg from this post, share not just passion. They have a mission. It is not merely something they decided would be good to do. Rather, it is so obvious from your descriptions of them that they *delight* in the Lord! They love God, because they *know* Him, and respond to His love by loving others. Mike and Meg are loving kids who don't get much love otherwise. They know genuineness. You cannot deny love. Their love for God, and their understanding His love for us, cannot be hidden, it is such a central part of them. Such a witness, such joy!