Today is the Fourth of July. Happy Independence Day!
Actually, with the taxes we pay today, the ever growing intrusion of government into our daily lives, and the wholesale export (theft) of our production, jobs, and technologies... I wonder if our founding fathers would even recognize the country they risked their fortunes, lives, and honor to create. And yet, the dream is still alive, for only in this place have our founding principles survived. The hearts of most Americans beat to the pulse that all men are created equal and that we have the RIGHT to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Politics and greed are a darkness that threatens us always, but the flame of liberty cannot be extinguished from the hearts of any who have ever tasted freedom.
I worry that while most of my fellow countrymen are celebrating their independence... they still find themselves in bondage; not to British rule, but to sin. God made you a masterpiece! Yet so many voices tell you that you are nothing, worthless, a slave, and that you will always be in bondage to sin for your entire life. Christ freed us ALL from sin… this means you, too… all of us!
So, celebrate our country’s independence, but also celebrate your liberation from sin and death!
Let tonight's fireworks reignite your heart, and I’ll see you at worship and in fellowship on Sunday.
Speaking of YOU being God’s masterpiece, the following link to YouTube is something that you really should watch. It’s by The Skit Guys, and is really awesome. Just turn up your sound volume, and click on the following link:
Happy 4th of July!
Your brother in Christ,
Actually, with the taxes we pay today, the ever growing intrusion of government into our daily lives, and the wholesale export (theft) of our production, jobs, and technologies... I wonder if our founding fathers would even recognize the country they risked their fortunes, lives, and honor to create. And yet, the dream is still alive, for only in this place have our founding principles survived. The hearts of most Americans beat to the pulse that all men are created equal and that we have the RIGHT to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Politics and greed are a darkness that threatens us always, but the flame of liberty cannot be extinguished from the hearts of any who have ever tasted freedom.
I worry that while most of my fellow countrymen are celebrating their independence... they still find themselves in bondage; not to British rule, but to sin. God made you a masterpiece! Yet so many voices tell you that you are nothing, worthless, a slave, and that you will always be in bondage to sin for your entire life. Christ freed us ALL from sin… this means you, too… all of us!
So, celebrate our country’s independence, but also celebrate your liberation from sin and death!
Let tonight's fireworks reignite your heart, and I’ll see you at worship and in fellowship on Sunday.
Speaking of YOU being God’s masterpiece, the following link to YouTube is something that you really should watch. It’s by The Skit Guys, and is really awesome. Just turn up your sound volume, and click on the following link:
Happy 4th of July!
Your brother in Christ,
My first glimpse of the skit guys. Great stuff. Thanks for the 4th reflections too. Blessings,
I loved the video. Great post- thanks Dave!