Instead, I’m going to write about those young men and women who, with only the most “basic” of training, are sent out to engage a fiendishly clever enemy who is only intent on their destruction.
While our 10:15 service was in progress, they began to arrive, get into their robes, and mill about with the excitement and enthusiasm of youth. Having been the storyteller for Sunday school for a very long time, I knew most of these young people; I had watched them grow up in the church. A few asked me, and then were genuinely pleased when I told them I was going to attend the entire Confirmation service. It hit me that our fellowship community was making an impact, when I saw young people as excited to have members of their spiritual family come to their Confirmation, as they were about members of their biological family. Then it hit me that we couldn’t make an impact unless the Holy Spirit was active in our fellowship. Then I realized that God’s Holy Spirit is only alive in us when we are open to being led by the Spirit. These 25 young people were saying: “YES, I’m open to be led by God’s Spirit.”
How many of these young people realized that they have just been transported to the front lines of a spiritual war? A war they are hardly aware of. A war the enemy wages 24/7/365 with lies, propaganda, and empty promises. I looked at their faces before they filed in for the service and I saw the faces of children… ill prepared to face such a cruel and devious enemy.
But then, after publicly professing their faith together, each confirmand came forward with their family. As each confirmand in turn came forward, they knelt, and their family laid hands on them as Pastor Bob took hold of each one and asked God to stir up the Holy Spirit in each one of them. No doubt, God’s Holy Spirit can protect them far better than anything I can do, but I also know that in fellowship, God’s people are stronger.
What are we doing to draw them into regular fellowship at Messiah? That is a question we ask ourselves all the time, but I wonder… how relatable is our regular fellowship to those who are 14 to 25? Are we alive in the Spirit for everyone? How can we get the young people to be a part of fellowship on a regular basis? Hmmm… we just asked God to stir up the Holy Spirit in each of them… perhaps we should ask them?
Your brother in Christ,
May they (and we) always know *Whose* we are! My dad used to remind me when I went out, "A Nelson Girl is a well-behaved girl." We lived in a then-smallish town, and people knew who you belonged to and made assumptions and judgments based on behavior they viewed. When Diehl was in the Navy, he was told that whenever he was wearing the Navy uniform, he WAS the Navy as far as the civilians around him knew. As Christians, people decide what they think about God sometimes based on behavior of His people... that's a daunting thought!
ReplyDeleteMy wish for the confirmands, and for all of us, is to realize each day *how much* God loves us. He didn't have to love us just because He made us. He didn't have to want to listen to us. But he does! May our hearts delight in His love.
Tonight my pastor was talking about the Holy Spirit (not just a doctrine or principle), basically one of the missions of the Holy Spirit is to help us SEE Jesus, the Son of God, fully God, who died for us and redeems us to be with Him in His Glory. and the Holy Spirit comes in power when Jesus is shown/shared with others. I certainly do not understand all about the Holy Spirit, but He is within us, and even prays for us when we do not know how to pray for ourselves. So that we may, with eyes of faith, really KNOW Jesus! It's not just an exercise to be checked off like graduation; Confirmation can be a springboard to a life of faith, which gets more exciting as it goes along.