I have often heard it said that if you are not learning, you are not growing, and if you are not busy growing, you are probably busy dying.
This week, I present you with an opportunity to learn from a spiritual mentor of mine: Mark Gorman. I have had the great privilege to support Mark’s ministry over the years (in my meager capacity). I have heard Mark speak in churches, auditoriums, and arenas across the country. Mark’s message, his leadership, his faithfulness, his caring, his intelligence, his insight into God's Word, his excitement and enthusiasm, his humor, and most of all... his love... inspires me to follow his lead. He inspires ME to want to share what he teaches me to my family, my church, my community, and the world. Here’s Mark:
Follow The Leader
Life is a giant game of "Follow the Leader." In this game, many people believe that, "to be a leader is to have a title." We become obsessed with gaining titles, and increasing our leadership sphere. Unfortunately, the bond between leadership and a name tag that says "Leader" is weaker than most know. You see, people don't follow titles. People follow what inspires them. The tell-tale sign of a leader is not a title, but a lifestyle that inspires others to follow.
When I think of true, inspirational leadership, I think of William Wallace, the main character in Mel Gibson's movie, "Braveheart." In the movie, Wallace is a simple man, with simple ambitions. He was not born into the aristocracy. He was not wealthy or famous. He was not uniquely gifted or talented. He was just like his fellow countrymen in every way, except for one important distinction. William Wallace came to a moment of decision in his life, where he had to choose between what he believed to be right, and what he knew to be safe. It was this decision, away from comfort and towards conviction, which separated him forever from a life of mediocrity.
You see, most people's greatest passion in life is comfort and convenience. But this is not the character that inspires men to greatness. William Wallace held no position in his country's aristocracy, and yet an entire nation followed him. Why? Because when his countrymen looked at the aristocracy, they saw men of comfort and convenience. But when they looked at Wallace, they saw a man of passion. They saw someone who stood for something, and it reminded them that they, too, had something worth standing for. He inspired them to follow.
Your effectiveness as a leader has nothing to do with your title, but with the amount of influence you carry with those around you. John Maxwell says it this way, "Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less." When people see that you believe deeply, they will want to follow you, because passion influences those who are near it. Are there men and women in your life who inspire you to be a better person? Are there people who would say that you inspire them to be better? People won't "follow the leader" just because of a title, so don't waste anymore time striving for such things. Instead, devote yourself fully to being a person of passion, and others will naturally begin to follow. In the words of John Wesley, "light yourself on fire, and people will come from miles around to watch you burn."
(This devotional is excerpted by permission from Mark's talk entitled, "Becoming A Leader." If you would like to learn more about this or other titles Mark has to offer, you can visit Mark’s site at www.markgorman.com)
So… how’s your influence? How’s your passion?
We have a great opportunity for you to grow and learn in the next of our Leadership Workshops coming up on the last Saturday of January (
Your brother in Christ,
My husband Diehl specifically did not want 'position' to distract him from just doing what is right. He consciously tried to live so that he could tell others "Come with me" rather than "Do this or that." He was very winsome, and his living his life in front of others, both in real life and later on his blog, affected many. More than he ever knew. In fact, fourteen months after his death he is still affecting people with his testimony of God's faithfulness on his website. None of us know all whom we affect. I continue to get emails from people responding to it. Each of us has influence in areas and with people that others will not be able to touch at all. Whatever I am doing, may I do it as unto the Lord.