Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My friend, and one of my spiritual mentors, Paul Francis Lanier, posted the following on Facebook recently:

Went through my computer last night and deleted hundreds of email addresses. Some from names I don't even recognize. Others from folk I haven't spoken to in years. No doubt some had abandoned their old tired address years ago, but not me. I should have removed them long, long ago. A thousand reasons why I'd kept them . . . but none of them were good enough anymore. You see, I don't let go easily, it's just who I am. But there comes a time when you must stop looking down the road and start listening to the door at those who've been knocking for too long, waiting for a home in your heart.

It got me thinking about how many people Paul touches with God’s Word. People like me, who live thousands of miles away from Paul’s home church; people who don’t rub elbows with him on a regular basis, but have received a word, a blessing, or an invitation from Paul. Many might have only heard Paul’s voice on an audio recording, read his writing, seen a re-posted quote, or had a fleeting introduction at a business meeting. Paul lives out and shares the love of Christ in a very real and honest way that draws people to him. I can see how he’d collect a great many email addresses over the years, and how impossible it would be to stay current and connected to all those hearts he has touched.

I got to thinking about how I’m OK with Paul purging my email address. Paul is being true to his calling, and his calling is not to maintain a list of everyone who has ever sent him an email. It’s up to the rest of us to seek out, encourage, and support the spiritual mentors (prophets) that God brings into our lives.

One last thing… the whole situation inspired me to pen the following:


by David Alan Hoag  --  January 29, 2014

God steers me to his purpose
With words I need to hear;
Often, when I hear God’s Word,
It comes from Paul Lanier.

You don’t need to know the name
Of every tiny sprout,
Nor the number of the stalks,
Or heads they each bring out.

No need to count the kernels;
There’s only one real need:
Heed and speak the Word of God…
And keep on planting seed.

Thanks for the continuing inspiration, Paul!

Your brother in Christ,
