Sunday, July 31, 2011


My niece had another interesting post on Facebook:

“Cussing in a Mormon house = NO-NO.”

In my opinion, cussing should be a NO-NO is every house. Why be coarse and profane when you can say the same thing in a much more intelligent manner? Nobody remembers the sludge flowing from the cesspool, but everyone notices the silver thimble floating atop all that sewage!

That was essentially what I posted in response, but then I got to thinking about it. Obviously, she was visiting a Mormon household, and cussed, swore, or otherwise uttered some profanity… and was then told such behavior was unacceptable in their household. While most Christians don’t agree with Mormon doctrine and teaching, you have to admire their integrity in standing up for the values they believe in.

Why do so many Christians allow profanity, cursing, and vulgarities to come out of their mouths? Why do they allow it in their homes? Why do they tolerate it from their children? Why? The Bible tells us not to swear oaths and not to take the Lord’s name in vain… yet, the world around us does just that. If we are honest with ourselves, so do most ALL of us!

Oh, we tell ourselves that it doesn’t mean anything, but deep down, we know… that’s a lie. We claim a freedom of speech, or expression… again, another lie. When we use profanity against another person, it paints them as vile, profane, and less than human. The sad thing is that those same words reflect back on us in exactly the same way. Jesus teaches us to edify and encourage one another… exactly the opposite of what much of the world believes.

I’ve heard from so many people: “It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just the way I am.” Well, it does mean a lot, and you DON’T have to be like that… you can change! I can’t make you change. Changing yourself is difficult; for many impossible. But in Jesus, there is power to do all things.

“But,” you protest, “I don’t cuss, swear, or take the Lord’s name in vain. Well, I try not to, either, but that doesn’t mean that I’m completely without sin. Cussing may actually be the least of your problems. Come on Sunday to experience a fellowship alive in the Spirit of Christ. Come see how life changing a walk with Jesus can be… one step at a time.

Your brother in Christ,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sweetened by the Spirit

That’s my good friend Carmen Pease wielding the Super Soaker. She is bright, energetic, fun, and a wonderful performer. Couple those traits with the fact that she is on our church staff and you have someone who is a natural for plays, skits, and Vacation Bible School. Like so many people in our fellowship at Messiah, she is alive in God’s Holy Spirit! The other day, I was on the phone with Carmen, and she asked me how things were going. My response is usually: “great!” But on this particular day, it was: “I’m having a challenging day.” Carmen immediately sent me the following in an email. Perhaps it will touch you, like it did me.


Oh, by the way, thought I would share this with you. I don’t know your situation, but you said that your day has been challenging. I’m sorry.
From Barbara Johnson’s book, Pain is inevitable but misery is optional, So, Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy!
“Nothing touches me that has not passed through the hands of my heavenly Father, NOTHING. Whatever occurs, God has sovereignly surveyed and approved. We may not know why (we may never know why), but we do know our pain is no accident to Him who guides our lives. He is in no way surprised by it all. Before it ever touches us, it passes through Him.

Not long ago, Bill and I were driving through Palm Springs, the famous desert resort community. We came upon a roadside stand, and the sign said, “DESERT SWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT.” I thought, that’s the way it is with all of us when we go through a desert experience. That’s the time God uses to sweeten us as we learn to give our problem completely to Him.”

I hope your week is sweeter when it’s done.


Carmen Pease
Messiah Lutheran Church
Equipping and Connecting Ministry


And that’s my prayer for you for the week, too… that your week is sweeter when it’s done.
Your brother in Christ,
