Several groups of us were going to drive from
As a Christian, do you ever wonder… like I do… am I equipped to give directions? Do you have a love for God, thankfulness for the sacrifice Christ made for us, and a burning desire to share that Good News with others? Well, read on for some really great news.
As part of what I used to do in product assurance, I needed to be skeptical in the proofs and analysis that people provided to me. I had been arguing a point with some people via e-mail, and a lot of other people were being copied at the same time. Finally, they provided me with actual proof of their assertion, and I responded with the following apology:
“I’m sorry to have been such a doubting Thomas… I’m just trying to make sure we do a thorough job.”
One of the people, a native of Iran, and NOT a Christian came to me to ask about the doubting Thomas reference. I then had a great opportunity to witness to someone who had never heard the Good News of our redemption through Jesus Christ.
I started by opening my Bible to John 20: 19-31… the story of doubting Thomas. A part of the salvation story that we are so familiar with, turned out to be unknown to someone raised in an Islamic country. So was the concept of Jesus as Savior, as he had been taught that Jesus was only a prophet. For 20 minutes, I was able to share how knowing Christ as my savior has radically changed my life, how salvation is an unearned gift of grace, how the kingdom of God is not attainable through pillars of good works… and how he could have a real relationship with our risen Lord. We finished up with me inviting him to our Bible Study group so he could learn more about the Good News.
So… how good were my directions? How would you have done it differently? I’m no Billy Graham, so he didn’t drop to his knees and ask Christ into his life right at that moment. Did I give him directions that helped? Did I do any good at all? Or did I just succeed in keeping him lost?
Here’s the great news I promised… we don’t need to know the exact directions! The Holy Spirit knows EXACTLY how to guide people who are seeking the Truth. God just wants us to be available. When we are available, He can use our love, our excitement, and out passion to reach the world around us. Of course, we make ourselves a little more available when we are part of regular praise and worship. We make ourselves even more available when we open our OWN hearts in prayer, and when we open our OWN minds in study of God’s Word.
We are in the midst of a renovation and building program right now… I would challenge each one of us… how is each one of our OWN spiritual building programs progressing? I hope to see you at the construction site… at worship. Call me if you need directions.
Your brother in Christ,
Dave Hoag