On Monday morning, while reading through my email at work, I was shot in the gut!
Well… not literally, but that’s what it felt like as I read that my friend and co-worker, Jeff Larson, had died the day before. I kept reading the email over and over, hoping to discover that it was just a cruel joke of some kind; it wasn’t.
Jeff was just 52, seemingly healthy and fit, full of life, and the friendliest and most loving guy you’d every hope to meet. I’d known Jeff for the past 6 years, and I was his friend. Of course, Jeff was that rare individual that was friends with EVERYONE! And that was no mean feat, seeing that Jeff was the Director of Quality for Invensys Nuclear.
That everybody loved Jeff was evident in the outpouring of emotion from the hundreds of people who came to his funeral service today. I had poured out my grief and my feelings in a poem, and as family and longtime friends spoke, they remembered all of the same great qualities that I knew in Jeff. Here’s the poem:
True Quality
By David Alan Hoag – September 11, 2012
In Remembrance of Jeffrey Larson;
March 7, 1960 – September 9, 2012
Jeff Larson shared our workday life
And though, not on his team
With Jeff, you always knew that you
Were held in high esteem.
“Let’s fix the problem,” he would say,
“And not affix the blame.”
“Let’s all improve, and learn, and grow,
And not just stay the same.”
A humble guy, with ready smile
Who’d stop along his way
To talk with you, and share his laugh;
Jeff brightened up our day.
His energy: all positive.
He’d lift us when we’d fall.
And he’d share his joy in passing,
Encouraging us all.
A runner… healthy, trim, and fit;
Up running with the dawn.
But none shall know the time or place,
And just like that… he’s gone.
This hollow void, this sudden death;
In time, the wound will mend.
But now, my heart cries out in loss,
For Jeff… who called me “friend.”
Afterward, we all gathered in The Pines Park. On a hot day, on the bluffs of San Clemente, people continued to share their stories of Jeff: his love of life, his encouragement, his friendship, his joy, and his love. It was evident that Jeff was a Christian that had lived his life adhering to Christ’s command to “love one another.”
Jeff died while training for a half-marathon. I have no doubt that he ran right into the arms of Christ, who surely spoke these words to Jeff: “You have run your race. Well done, good and faithful servant!”
I’m blessed to know so many brothers and sisters in Christ who are like Jeff in spirit, who constantly seek a deeper relationship with God, and who continually pour their love out into the world. I’m humbled to know them, and I’m encouraged by this “cloud of witnesses” to continue to run my race.
I pray that you have a Jeff in your life to encourage you to run YOUR race!
Your brother in Christ,